Thursday 28 March 2013


Its been almost 20 years since the first democratic election whereby we saw the first black president to rule the country Nelson Mandela. I was four years by then and everyone was so happy as he promised us equality, job opportunities, houses etc. Yes some of their promises were delivered he did a great job fighting for democracy and as a president.  As the number of unemployment decreased, houses were build, people started to see each as equals unlike during apartheid.

Nelson Mandela term came to an end and Thabo Mbeki was elected to become our president who ran for two term. He did not do that bad but also not that good. The famous story to remember about him is how he handled the HIV/AIDS issue which many feel he did not know how to approach this epidemic issue. Thabo Mbeki did not finish his second term was he was forced to resign by the ANC and the current president  Jacob Zuma.

When we talk of Jacob Zuma we are talking about a guy who was accused of rape charges. Who was accused pf corruption and resulting form his financial adviser. The charges were dropped in 2009 which resulted in political fuels. Jacob Zuma did not receive any formal education and he is our president. He is also know for practising polygamy and he has over 20 kids.

 The most recent outrage from the country and opposition parties come when it was reported that Jacob has renovated his Nkandla property with 250million. i mean who renovates a how with that kind of money even if its security precaution for the president. Mandela our first black president the world icon did not receive such a treatment. These is an insult to the people of Nkandla leaving around the president's house, it is an insult to all the tax payers, to all those who are facing the social issues from unemployment, houses and poverty.  We were promised a better life but it look like a better life is for those in power only.

I believe that Zuma has not delivered on his promises, but some members of the ANC saw it important to elect him to run for the presidency in the coming election. If he failed to deliver his promises in the first term how will he do it in the second term. The only thing i know of that Jacob Zuma did is the renovation to his private house and I believe that it is exactly what he is going to do again in his second time. ANC should have elected another leader. If they do not get their acts together they will loose more supporters except me.

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